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Fast-Track Strategy: Craft Your Strategy In a Few Simple Steps

Make a strategic leap in just 9 weeks! Leave the competition behind.

Running a business without a strategy is like playing Blind Man's Bluff with fate.

Every leader should know where to lead their business, why, and how.

Join this program, and from October 14 to December 16, you’ll get nine assignments – one assignment every Monday.

Complete these assignments one by one with your team, and you’ll have a strategy by the end of the year.

Watch the video:

Fast-Track Strategy: Craft Your Strategy in a Few Simple Steps by Svyatoslav Biryulin.

You will only need nine weeks of focused work, requiring just a few hours per week, to craft your strategy. Choose your tier and buy Fast-Track Strategy.

How it works?

Starting October 14, every Monday you’ll get in email.

In each email, you'll get:

1.     A text description

2.     A video instruction

3.     A link to a Miro map for teamwork

All the assignments will be in the form of simple question lists. Just answer all the questions one by one, and you'll craft a strategy. No special preparation is required, though reading my book Red and Yellow Strategies: Flip Your Strategic Thinking and Overcome Short-termism will be of some help.

If you buy a Tier One subscription, you'll handle all the tasks primarily by yourself. But, of course, you can always email me if you have any questions. 

If you buy a Tier Two subscription, you'll email me all the Miro all the maps you have completed to get my feedback and support.

If you buy a Tier Three subscription, we'll have a one-hour Zoom call every week. I'll help you go through the process.

See more about Tiers in the Q&A section below.

All the participants will receive the access to a designated WhatsApp group to communicate with me and each other.

The final document you'll make by the end of December will consist of nine sections:

  1. Your mission statement;
  2. Your vision;
  3. Your target future customers and customer segments;
  4. Their target needs;
  5. Core customer values;
  6. Key assets;
  7. Key processes;
  8. Key metrics;
  9. Central Strategic Principles;

Will that be enough?

If you answer all the questions thoroughly, you'll gather enough insights for a small to medium-sized company to make the right day-to-day decisions in 2025 based on those answers. These 9 questions are the most crucial from the strategic perspective.

It's time to act!

Choose your Tier, buy the subscription and begin your journey to a better future for your company.


Q: When does the project start?

A: It starts on October 14. You should buy the subscription prior to this date.

Q: What kinds of support can I get along the way?

A: You will have my email address and WhatsApp chat to ask for support with any problem that may occur.

Q: What's the difference between the Tiers?


With the Tier Two subscription, you'll get a task in the form of a full text description, a video lesson, and a link to your Miro map to complete the weekly task.

With the Tier Two subscription, you'll get everything you get with the Tier One, but you will also be able to send me unlimited number of emails and get feedback after sending me your completed Miro Maps.

With the Tier Three subscription, With the Tier Two subscription, you'll get everything you get with the Tier Two, you'll also be able to send me unlimited number of emails, get feedback after sending me your completed Miro Maps and have up to 9 Zoom calls with me.

Q: Can I upgrade my Tier during the process if I realize I need it?

A: Yes, you can do that by paying the difference between the tiers at any time.

Q: Can I get a discount?

A: Yes, you can get a 20% discount for any Tier if you are a paid subscriber to my newsletter. Send me an email or contact me on Substack or LinkedIn, and I will send you a code for the discount.

About the author:

Svyatoslav Biryulin is a seasoned manager and business consultant, formerly a CEO with over 10 years of management experience. He has 26 years of leadership experience in manufacturing and trading companies, including businesses with up to 3600 employees, and has been serving on boards of directors since 2012.

Svyatoslav is the author of a famous book Red and Yellow Strategies: Flip Your Strategic Thinking and Overcome Short-termism and numerous articles on business strategy and management.

Buy this

By purchasing this subscription for the Fast-Track Strategy, you get a simple, applicable, and understandable tool. With its help, you'll answer the key strategic questions for 2025 and make your business more successful.

No special training is required
You can start right now.
Your team will come together during the work.
Sometimes, this is the most important part of a strategy.
Even if you don't answer all the questions, you'll learn that they exist.
And you'll find the answers later.
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Fast-Track Strategy: Craft Your Strategy In a Few Simple Steps

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